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Allowing students to have different topics to choose from will enhance their ownership. If a teacher just gives a student a prompt then models it, the student is more likely to just copy what the teacher did. They do not feel any ownership in the writing. The writing is then more the teachers  then the students. Allowing them to chose allows them to feel like they have a say in what they choose. They are then able to write some of them most beautiful writing pieces. 

Ownership of Writing

Ownership of Topic



If the teacher gives different prompts, ones that interest the students, then the students are more likely to write their own story. Allowing students to have choices then they will enjoy writing and want to write more. 

Ownership of Paper



Teachers should not write on students papers. Students take pride and excitement in their papers. Writing all over the paper without their permission can cause them to not want to write. The papers need to be theirs. You can have them make the corrections on their own. Also, correcting their paper in red will discourage them as well. 

Ownership of Pen



Allow the students to be in control of the pen. Allow them to write their answer up on the board. Another idea that will allow the students to feel ownership in writing is to use their ideas in your modeling. 

Ownership of Sharing



Allow students to take pride in their writing. If a student did a really good job on something, allow that student to share it with the class. They will get a great sense of ownership and accomplish. When they hear a classmate has written something similar, they will know that the are the reason for that. 

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